2. Beginners Guide to Lord of Ultima
...continued from where to start.
By now you have up to 80 Buildings depending on the level of your Town Hall. Your city is now no longer under protection which means it has the chance of been plundered. This is about the worst thing that can happen to your game, unless you have broken the golden rule and built a Castle. It is now time to take your city to the next level and also begin to understand that resources are key to winning the game.
You now need to start to focus on the next big step building a 2nd City this takes some time but this will guide you to get there quicker than most people could even think!
1. Build a Moonglow Tower and upgrade to level 10
Once, you have built a Moonglow Tower and upgraded it to level 10 you can do research by purifying your resources. Basically every thousand units of resources becomes refined and becomes one refined unit. So it is 1000:1 Ratio.
To refine or purify resources click the trade button and go to the end tab Purify Resources enter the amount of units and press Purify. This will deduct the resources from your city and purify them.
2. Gold
Gold is the slowest "resource" you need to get your Gold Production to about 500 p/h. To do this build at least 3 Markets (which will also allow you to trade) place them next to each other vertically. Once you have completed the line of markets build Townhouses around them as many as you can. But the quickest way to get gold is to trade which is covered under a separate post.
3. Build a Trinsic Temple and upgrade to level 10
Your gold pile should be pilling up by now and you have at least 250 Carts from upgrading your markets. It is time to build your Trinsic Temple! The Trinsic Temple will allow you to recruit a Baron, once you have finished purifying 40 units of Wood, Stone, Iron and Food and lastly of course got your Trinsic Temple to level 10.
While You are Waiting For Upgrades and Resources:
Use this time to chat to members of your alliance read the forums and start recruiting units (army) at this stage only recruit City Guards. Every thing in Lord of Ultima works in large numbers so recruit 1000 City Guards they do not take up any room and this will help your defense for later in the game. Recruit about 1000 Beresekers as well but do not recruit units that require gold yet. You will need the gold for your Baron.
Do Not Be Tempted to Build a Castle Yet!
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