3rd City Strategy Lord of Ultima

Your Third City Strategy Lord of Ultima 

Dam! After all that time spent researching resources, you have clicked level two of Title Advancement and now it presents you with further research for title advancement! Or, it offers you a short cut by building a Castle to get to the next Title of Lord of Ultima, Marquess. When I got to this stage I wanted to flip but you have to back to the chart of Title Advancement to remind yourself where you are in the game. 

At this stage of the game there is most likely a lot of action around you with alliance members either on the attack or defense. Lord of Ultima is like chess as with any other strategy game you need to remain claim and focus on the bigger picture.  

At this stage you may be tempted to build a Castle to simply get the title or build your city nearer to certain alliance members. When you catch yourself think like this, I always remind myself how long it took me to get to this point and am I willing to risk all the time and effort I put in thus far. It is a long game and requires lots of big picture thinking and patience. 

Lord of Ultima is the ultimate Chess Game! 

So, then back to deploying your third Lord of Ultima City. Again I suggest to keep the same strategy as your 2nd City, however try place your cities with your main city in the center, and a city on either side as close as possible. Again you want to trade freely between your cities and send support when required.

Your first city, which I refer to as your main city now needs to concentrate on building a sizable army. When I mean sizable I'm talking at least 10 000 units of various kinds. This stage I call the Defense Stage, by now from raiding creatures and dungeons you should have the following units stationed in your city:

Units Prior to Deploying Third City:

PictureNameUnit TypeAttack TypeDescriptionResource CostRequirement
CityguardCity GuardInfantryNoneEnforcers of law and order, these stalwart fighters are trained to deal with any threat within a city’s walls.100 woodCity Guard House Level 1
BerserkerBerserkerInfantryInfantry AttackFearsome warriors driven by a thirst for blood and glory. It is said the war cry of the Berserker makes brave men weep and women swoon.150 ironTraining Ground Level 1
RangerRangerInfantryInfantry AttackSkilled bowmen whose keen eyes and deadly arrows rain misery on infantry units. A key element of any army and especially useful for defending Castles.160 woodTraining Ground Level 4

You should by now have 1000 City Gaurds and Berserkers,couple of hundred Rangers and a few scouts.

Your main city walls should have traps and towers to protect your units after deploying your third city you need to expand your army! Again, I can't emphasize enough do not be tempted to build a Castle at this stage  with out building your army to the below:

Units in Main City After Deploying Third City:

The first army you want to expand is scouts. Normally experienced players will first scout a target, this in Lord of Ultima is called a scout attack. To give them a nasty surprise your towers, traps and 1000 scouts will eliminate their scouts! This will make them think twice about scouting you or plundering your city for a while.  

ScoutDefense Strategy Expansion Recruit 1000 Scouts
Place Barracks Next to Stable
Upgrade Barracks and Stable to Level 10 

Once, you have 1000 Scouts which will take a while to recruit with all the upgrading start the next defense:

The Bowman, is one of the strongest offensive units. Recruit 1000 will require a few barracks placed around the Stable and upgraded to level 10.

If your Town Hall is not a level 10 (which it does not have to be level 9 is fine, level 10 just gives you an extra 20 buildings from 80 - 100) you may be running out of buildings which you now need to replace with barracks.

I suggest getting rid of these buildings:


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1 comment:

  1. link for title advancements doesn't work anymore
    but i still love these guides
