Defense Strategy Lord of Ultima

Defense Basics

The best defense is a mix of Rangers, Guardians, Templars, and Ballistae in towers. Sloops are great defensive units, but suffer from getting no advantage from towers or walls (The 50% defense bonus from a level 10 wall can make a huge difference) and being unable to support landlocked cities.

  • Rangers are the best defense against Infantry
  • Guardians are the best defense against Cavalry
  • Templars are the best defense against Magic
  • Ballistae are the best defense against Artillery

It is also important to have plenty of scouts. If every single one of the attacker's scouts are killed off, he'll be intimidated and may think twice about attacking you. He'll also be clueless as to what kind of defenses you have. This could lead him to send a force that's much too small, or a force of the wrong type (such as an all cavalry force against your city filled with guardians). 

I would prioritize towers over traps because at level 10 towers double the strength of 2000 troops, while traps only neutralize 1000. First, I put 2 lookout towers in every city. This gives you enough warning time to span an entire continent and can double the defense of up to 500 scouts. Then get enough towers to double the defense of every defender. When towering city guards it's best to use ballista towers, as these house 2500 troop strength at level 10 instead of the standard 2000. Finally, fill in any remaining wall slots with a mix of traps. If you have a water city you may want to focus on camouflage traps, as these can neutralize boats. But keep in mind that the number given by traps is the neutralized troop strength, not troop count. A level 10 camouflage trap would only neutralize 2 war galleons (which count as 400 troop strength).

Editors Note: The author of above is not known this information was found on the lou wik

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