Gold City in Lord of Ultima

Gold City in LoU 

Gold is a crucial resource in Lord of Ultima in the beginning of the game a lot of players try to trade in order to obtain some sort of wealth in LoU. This is foolish, Gold in Lord of Ultima is just like any other resource like Wood, Food, Stone and Iron.

The further you get in LoU the more Gold you need to progress or recruit higher level units and of course you could buy resources on the market. So, gold should be considered just as any other resource and I suggest you consider gold in every city you build. Especially in new games where a market may not be liquid and at the end game when alliances need massive amounts of resources to build palaces as fast as possible.

I'm not sold on specialized resource cities such as a single resource city like Stone or Wood, however a Gold city makes a lot of sense as it just produces gold and is easy to manage. The best of all a gold city can not be plundered or attacked! And having a constant supply of gold is crucial in title advancement, recruiting high level units and barons.

There is nothing more frustrating in having to wait for enough gold to recruit a baron or what have you!

To build a gold city is simple it requires markets and town houses and the higher level your town hall is the more townhouses and markets you can build.

Simply build about 10-15 cottages to get the construction speed up and then use the lou city planner to place your markets and townhouses. Once you have reached the max amount of buildings you can destroy the cottages and replace them with more town houses or markets, but by then you will be producing a massive amount of Gold per hour!

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