Water Castles and Navy in Lord of Ultima

Water Castles in Lord of Ultima 

As a rule of thumb you should not even consider building a castle in Lord of Ultima if your city is on water. The reason is your castled city can be attacked from all continents and a naval attack in Lord of Ultima is the most destructive. However, having a strong naval city can cause a lot of damage to your enemy.

When, you decide to build a water castle make sure you build and plan your navy in advance as building a navy will take a lot of resources mainly wood and gold. So, surrounding your water castle you need at least two resource cities to supply it. (I suggest having a look at a gold city and resource city posts if you are not sure how to go about building a gold and resource city.)  

Once you have support for a constant supply of gold and wood you will need to work on a strategy for your water castle. The water castle is going need a strong defense and of course offensive units. The most logical is to work on the defense first in case of an attack on your city.

Defensive Navy Strategy:

To get a better understanding of a defensive navy in Lord of Ultima, you need to combine defensive ships and well as defensive units. (see post on defensive units if you are unsure).

The naval units or ships to be used are Sloops and Frigates (see below). 

Sloops are defensive ships armed with artillery which can assist protecting your city in a naval attack or protecting other vessels in an escort. To begin with you should have at least two sloops in your navy and two defense Frigates. 

Frigates can carry troops (or units) both defensive and offensive troops. So a part of the defensive navy in Lord of Ultima would be to load Frigates to the max with defensive units as in a normal city. Good defensive units to load each Frigate would be one with Templar's and another with Rangers.  

Once you have built a basic defensive navy you can start on building a basic offensive navy.

Offensive Navy Strategy: 

As with defensive a offensive navy in Lord of Ultima requires specific ships and units. This time you use a combination of War Galleons and Frigates (troop carriers).

War Galleons in Lord of Ultima require space and consume a lot of food. They take up 400 space and consume 2,500 food per day! They are the strongest attack units in Lord of Ultima which is used to destroy buildings and towers. A War Galleon has an attack strength of 12,000 a mighty force to contend with!

To start with an offensive navy should consist of at least two War Galleons and two offensive loaded Frigates, one with Zerks and the other with Mages. This is a good mix of magic and destruction.

SloopSloopShipArtillery AttackSmall but potent ship armed with powerful defensive artillery. Used to escort larger ships on forays against enemy coastal cities.6,000 wood 4,000 iron 2,000 goldShipyard Level 1
FrigateFrigateShipArtillery AttackAllows troop transport by sea. Its artillery, while not the largest ever seen, can deal additional damage during an assault or siege.15,000 wood 5,000 iron 5,000 goldShipyard Level 6
War GalleonWar GalleonShipArtillery AttackThe mightiest ship to sail the seas. Imposing, beautiful and oddly graceful, these vessels are a danger to any enemy. They are especially effective against buildings and defensive structures.30,000 wood 10,000 iron 20,000 goldShipyard Level 10

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts you got there, believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life.

    Naval Building
